
How Long It Takes To Get To The Moon

Start-ups on the moon

Inspired by the "Singularity is Near — Ray Kurzweil" that I consider the bible for Technological Singularity, I imagined how would be a start-up in cyborging. In 50 years time it is possible that we witness a major change in the way economy works, venturing will be based on "Oracle prophetic algorithms" by that time investors have no gut feeling anymore, it is all about analytic and speculation of big data of market trends, expecting trends before they happen.


Walid Mahmoud Hacker Noon profile picture

Imagine to be able to execute amazing tasks in some impossible places, like working on the surface of the moon in cyborging devices assembled there and experiencing looking to earth, will that be possible?

If we try to make an observation about the changes in our advanced technology, we tend to feel that it will not be that far before witnessing new business coming to reality, business that was only possible in SF. I like the idea of cyborg and I asked myself how a start-up for "cyborging" will be like? Inspired by the "Singularity is Near — Ray Kurzweil" that I consider the bible for Technological Singularity, I imagined how would be a start-up in cyborging.

Like any product, your cyborg product require a story, basically you have to talk about your product what is the purpose, what do you expect it to achieve, this in a good length shouldn't be more than a short paragraph. This product require some honest questions and answers from your side, you have to be honest with yourself:

  • What are my intentions with this product?
  • What will be the profit? (I don't know what will happen to the concept of Money, the concept of money is bound with the individuality of humans, it will stay for sometimes until it is replaced with something else)


Knowing the fact that cyborg technology involve extension of human being's physical and cognitive abilities, that connects and merges directly with the biological side, raises important ethical considerations and concerns, and also have implications on the view of human nature. I will not be surprise to see that very strong lobby of anti-cyborg will come and the only way to win is to push always upfront the benefits of the new concept or technology, the world of business will be a combination of strong alliance of technology-business lobbies that have no geographical borders and I will not be pessimistic if I said investing inside such atmosphere will be not easy, we may solve issues regarding environment but we will not be able to solve issue related to so called guardians of ethics against the avant-guard of business-technology.


I imagine in 50 years time it is possible that we witness a major change in the way economy works, venturing will be based on much more calculated process that run based on "Oracle prophetic algorithms", by that time investors have no gut feeling anymore, it is all about analytic and speculation of big data of market and customers trend, expecting trends before they happen, there will be no shortage of finance, but maybe a lot trend manipulation, all will be about the creative mind and meetings demands and expectation of a much more hungry consumers, appetite for goods will rise, a new appetite based on enjoying the new consumerism experience, consuming virtual goods, feeling the data.


By the time we reach the level where investing in cyborg, new skills will appear and new employee may come to the market; the artificial brain, customized brain (processing system if you want me to make things easy) I believe that will be the new skills, individuals hiring their artificial brain to more than one place at the same time with no conflict of interests, basically it is a system that is in the could, propriety of the individual much more like a server but it is not, an investment where a person feed the brain with necessary process and data that will enable to brain to perfect specific process in a specific domain. the person will be free from the contact to the management, he or she are just responsible-owner of the hired skills residing in the artificial brain.

The making

The easy part of the making of a cyborg is to stop thinking of a cyborg like a replacement to the body, cyborging will be an inject the volunteer with billions of neurobots as i like to call them (nanobots), track them by holographic mapping until they reach the brain of the consumer, start to pair the the signatures of the neurobots, by the end a mapping of the brain will be processed by application determine the full connection of the consumer and the next part which to come: The machine.

The final result

In 50 years time the distance between man and machine will be short to the point to think that it is part of the human life, what ever we created was always an extension of us, we will start to experience a whole workforce of machine that achieve tasks remotely controlled by a mix operator of bio-crowd-computing system and non-biological-brain monitored by biological "brains" that could be artificially "born", you could imagine anything, any device, the aim is the preserve the human continuation or maybe that is life.

When you reach this line, you look how naive this article, but all dreams are, until they become reality and turn to nightmares which are the unexpected variables that fall from equations, and those variables that will lead to dream of a better horizon.


# technology# artificial-intelligence# startup# startups-on-the-moon# cyborg

How Long It Takes To Get To The Moon


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