nightcrawlers how to find wormsIf you're a fisherman, then you are in constant need of worms. While running to the local grocery store or gas station is an option, it isn't always the most convenient or the cheapest!

We have some alternative suggestions for you to try. It doesn't take much time at all and it requires just a few things that you most likely already have laying around the house! You don't need any special traps, bait or even a permit!

If you aren't a fisherman, no worries, worms are still fun to gather and they serve other purposes too.

Cardboard Boxes Method

Probably the easiest way to gather earthworms is to simply leave a flattened, wet piece of cardboard out in the yard overnight. This will attract the worms to the surface (for several reasons) and when you remove the cardboard, there will be loads of worms!

Rainstorm Method

During a rainstorm (or after), go out at dark and use a flashlight to locate nightcrawlers that are out roaming around. Earthworms like to surface when it's wet out to take advantage of the wet conditions for traveling! Since worms must stay moist to survive, and since they are able to travel easier and farther distances above ground, worms prefer to surface when the sun is down and after a good rain storm. If you aren't able to find many, use a shovel to dig into the ground. Then use your hands to break apart the wet soil and so that you can locate the worms. If rain isn't in the forecast, try going out in the early morning after the sprinklers have shut off and troll around to see what you can find!

Digging Method

If there is a perennial strem nearby with fallen leaves around it, that is an excellent place to dig for worms. They are often found near bodies of water in the mud. Another good place to try is underneath anything that is damp or moist such as logs, rocks and rotten stuff! Worms are sensitive to vibration so the sneakier you are, the more you'll gather.

What NOT To Do

We do not suggest using soapy water to harvest worms from you lawn as it can ruin your lawn on a hot, sunny day or kill delicate plants in your yard. Some have used a 6v or 12v battery and shocked the worms out from the ground. This is obviously not the best way to gather earthworms as the shock can damage their nervous system and they will die sooner. Remember, healthy worms are happy worms. For fishing, you want the worms to continue to wiggle even after you cast them out into the water so take care of them! For vermicomposting, they will not be productive unless they are out of the heat, kept moist and comfortable and fed regularly.

How To Store The Worms?

All you need to store the little wigglers is a small styrofoam cooler, some dirt, some bedding and some organic food waste. Some people sprinkle a little corn meal from time to time and that keeps the worms healthy and happy short term. For long term worm storage, we suggest building a dedicated worm farm or buying aWorm Farm Kitfrom Uncle Jim's Worm Farm! We make it extremely easy to maintain the worm farm and provide loads of helpful tips in ourblog!

Hopefully this gives you a few different ideas to try the next time you need worms after closing hours or if you're feeling too lazy to get in the car and drive several miles to the nearest worm dealer!

Of course, with a few clicks of the mouse, we can shipNight Crawlersright to you!