
How To Get Rust Off A Blackstone Griddle

Why Rust Is So Popular?

Francesco Gadaleta: Rust has wiped off most of my Ph.D. material in one new programming paradigm. Rust has moved many of the responsibilities from the. developer to the. compiler. Rust's borrow checker makes sure references (and pointers!) do not.outlive the data they point to. Rust. The way Rust forces programmers to think is the way programmers are used to thinking (and believe me, the way Rust is used are used are trivial. Rust makes concurrency easy — sometimes the syntax is a btch! The combination of locking and ownership means a combination of lock and ownership.


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@ frag

Francesco Gadaleta

I do stuff with computers, host data science at home podcast, code in Rust and Python

If you are looking for some kind of metal panel business idea, allow me to be clear: the Rust I am referring to is a programming language.

Still there?

When I started learning programming languages I was 8 years old, the world was in different shapes and computers were more like romantic and
magical boxes rather than the tools people TikTok with today.

GW-Basic and C were my first shots in computer science during the time in which memory was directly accessible — for the fun of many and the profit of others. It was so easy to perform brutal attacks on the operating system kernel via some legit constructs that those languages provided.

My years in academia have been characterized by the massive use of C (much less of C++) for back-end systems and implementing common and more exotic algorithms in computer science. Big jump ahead, the years of my Ph.D. have been characterized by the massive use of C and instructing
compilers to mitigate some of the nasty issues all low-level programming languages are affected by, which is direct access to memory.

Hence, issues like forgetting that you have already freed memory (double free), reading/writing beyond the limits of an array (buffer overflow), pointing and accessing invalid memory, etc. have led to some of the most serious attacks we know in the history of computer science so far.

So what does this have to do with Rust?

As a matter of fact, Rust has literally wiped off most of my Ph.D. material in one new programming paradigm. And I am not pissed at all.

My most ambitious objective (and not only mine) during my Ph.D. was to
build a compiler that fixed the double free issues, buffer overflows and invalid pointers, automatically (sometimes without even informing the developer who ended up repeating that nasty bug over and over — how

Rust has done just that: it has moved many of the responsibilities from the
developer to the compiler (for Python programmers, the compiler is that
thing you give up your flexibility and performance to, every time you write well… Python) by introducing a new paradigm of programming.

In such a paradigm it is not possible to have those bugs ever. The compiler will just refuse to continue and generate a buggy program. The only side effect of the more pedantic Rust compiler is that it will definitely frustrate the developer. But I don't have a solution for that. Time for another Ph.D.?

Rust provides this level of awesomeness by leveraging five fundamental concepts in programming language design. While some are tightly related, let me briefly go through each of them.

The borrow checker

Rust's borrow checker makes sure that references (and pointers!) do not
outlive the data they point to. All memory unsafety bugs? Gone. "Yeah but dude… I am losing flexibility" you say?

Worry not, you can still use unsafe Rust. If you feel like you deserve that responsibility (and you better know WTF you are doing) go ahead, make your code unsafe and unlock some super-powers. The good thing is that when you have a bug (because you will, dude), you would know exactly where to look at. Remember that unsafe block you wrote and felt so proud of? Maybe you wanna look there.


If you don't want to tidy up your room, someone else (mum?) will have to.
And that will come at a price (don't let me go there). There is a reason why all languages based on a garbage collector are slower than those without. Guess what?

Ownership is a paradigm of programming that allows Rust to keep track of memory (and freeing it when no longer in use) at zero cost. How? By changing the way programmers are used to thinking (and believe me, the way Rust forces you to think is the right way). A trivial

                                  let                  y = SomeType {                  field:                  String::from("hello") };                  let                  x = y; println!("{:?}", y);                  // This will fail. We no longer own y                              

moves ownership of y to x. This means that y cannot be used after that statement. This simple concept allows the compiler to manage memory for you and keep your room in an impeccable state.


This is a big one. Especially due to the general trend of distributing computation on multiple cores. Not only Rust makes concurrency easy
(alright relatively easy — sometimes the syntax is a b!tch). The combination of ownership and locking mechanisms make concurrency fearless in Rust.

Channels enforce thread isolation and data are protected by locks and can get accessed only when locks are held. This prevents one from accidentally sharing states. Data races are never possible (the compiler will just refuse to generate code that might potentially lead to data races).


The Rust compiler is built on LLVM that in turn can generate machine code for a plethora of target platforms. While this level of portability is still not as big as C/C++, please remember that Rust is only 10 years old (just a bit older than myself when I started programming, how cute?)

Speed and security

If you want a compiler to generate safe code, be prepared to give up performance. The low-level security community is aware of how much code instrumentation techniques can make your software slowdown (to the point that many prefer to trade unsafe code for performant one). With Rust, you can have both. Rust is a compiled language.

The machine code that is generated can be optimized (and will be optimized even more as the compiler gets smarter) as much as the one coming from C/C++ and other compiled languages.

As for speed, a decent Rust vs C comparison can be found here and a more detailed explanation here. Just consider that comparisons should be performed between idiomatic Rust and idiomatic C. Needless to say, sh!tty code = sh!tty performance, and that has nothing to do with the language of choice.

Of course, this post does not give Rust justice, as there are many more
amazing things Rust has to offer. While this is a language that shall definitely be considered for system programming, the community is growing at an incredible pace, populating, the repository for packages and libraries in pure Rust.

I've to say that there is a lot of duplication and many libraries seem abandoned. I believe that's a result of the initial enthusiasm from many developers and engineers who have been putting Rust to the test.

Despite making some of my publications — especially those about low-level countermeasures to mitigate buffer overflows — I strongly believe Rust is the language of the future.

I am also contributing to a project that utilizes Rust for data processing (the stuff that people must do before copy&paste Tensorflow models :) ) and I am looking forward to publishing it soon.

In any case, follow me on GitHub.

Previously published at


# rust# programming# computer-science# code-quality# programming-languages# concurrency# software-engineering

How To Get Rust Off A Blackstone Griddle


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