Introduction: Gas Feeding bottle Furnace

After making a Bowie Knife using the Instructable by Basta, who makes far better knives than I come, I decided that it would be useful to make a furnace, due to the fact that I melted our Kettle BBQ qualification the said Bowie knife!

So, take one damaged, dropped off the back of a forklift, Gas Bottle and re-purpose it as a Furnace.

I told Basta, that if I did make a Furnace, I would spot it on his "Instructable" just you know how it is, life gets in the manner! So, while I'm seance here in Spain, cragfast attributable the Saint Ulmo's light Virus and won't get back to England until who knows when, I came across Basta's Knife instruction again and opinion "I'm not so busy at the moment, other than washing my men every ten proceedings, as per Spanish and English Governmental instructions, I'll upload those exposure's".


Take one Broken Gas Bottle, buy one Mig Welder, look up on t'interweb on how to weld, Ra-locate the excess exhaust pipe ne'er used on the Mazda MPV, one of those "information technology's here someplace" items, I also knew that I had a set apart of Hollow Cutters, came in handy, find anything else that hindquarters be re-misused to help the project.

There were no plans, certainly no idea, just a hope to produce it done!

Step 1: Cut Door Opening and a Little Bit of Health and Safety

Before you start to cut the Gas Bottle open you volition have to fill the bottleful with weewe and let it soak over Nox to expel all the accelerator that is in the bottle and has permeated the metal. This means releasing the gas and taking the valve off the top. Empty-handed the irrigate prohibited the next day and proceed. Yes, I know people will tell you that they have trained and foreshorten a Gas Bottle and zero happened, IT didn't crack Boom but why take the chance?

Luckily, i didn't motivation to do this because the valve on my bottle was cracked and crooked to a 30 degree angle,

Decide how big an opening you are going to want and where information technology will constitute placed on the Gaseous state Bottle and Deutschmark it up, I used masking tape, right away set to with the angle milling machinery.

Arsenic I was devising the last cut, I realised that I should have made the flexible joint-side incision first so made and welded the hinges in blank space, negating the need to origin awake the door, then make the other trine cuts!

Step out 2: Make Hinges, Locate and Weld

I made the hinges out of a piece of right angle that was originally anchor plates in a printing machine packing crate. I used threaded bar and nuts to space out the hinges before welding. Plaza the room access in-situ and dyer's mignonette.

Not forgetting that I had exclusive just bought the welder and was reading up, t'interweb again, and practising daily before embarking connected this design.

Step 3: Doorway Handle and Heating Sink

A handle placed on the outer wall in seemed like a good idea, just to keep the door shut and of a way to open it. So altercate metal was again cut and filed to shape and a heat drop, two contrasting sized washers, was added, to comprise honest I should have taken more time over this and handled it major.

Step 4: Inlet and Run down Holes

A rear Run through and a right hand position Tune Inlet seemed to be the way to go

Find the midpoint of the back, mark, centre punch, hole cutter to size of pipe.

Actually made this hole further down, non on top, so that the gases would would recirculate and be a cleaner burn.

Repeat on the just hand down side for the Air Inlet.

Placed this as low as possible to force air in under the firing, this of course leave be aided by the wife's hairdryer!

Step 5: Inlet and Exhaust Pipework

Mark up the centre line of some the foremost and back of your pipe.

This is important for when lining the pipes back up after cutting your 45 degree, right bend.

You might note that no Hi-Tec equipment was put-upon here....

Step 6: Dampers

Dampers are important for getting a fire to do as a low rolling high temperature or a violent snake pit, coupled with Zephyr OR Forced Bare.

These are sprung loaded and old keys are welded to the shafts to enable the desired flame and temperature.

Step 7: Lining Up and Fitting Pipework

Use the lines that you drew on the pipework, to job up the pipes and holes centrally and Theodore Dwight Weld. You did thread the lines, didn't you?

Step 8: Up-pipe Clinch

The gaseous state ran out whilst welding and the bottle was a perfect acceptable to prepar the clamp for the Up-pipe association.

Cut a slice of the bottle off and split this length ways. Weld a nut to one side and a loose fitting off-cut of small pipe to the other, add a bolt through with the pipe and use it as a draw bolt to close the disruption and grip the Up-pipe.

Ill-use 9: Fire Grate to Finish

This grate was from a council dump, a bit too super but with an angle grinder information technology was persuaded to fit.

Cardinal bolt holes trained through with the body, of the Gas Bottle, haywire and bolts to fit, lay the grate on the bolts and push the Up-quiet into the Exhaust outlet and you are ready to do a test incinerate and and so nebulizer with high temperature paint to complete.

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